Friday 19 October 2018



As a giant Madonna fan I'm very embarrassed to say I had the words for Poppadom Preach wrong for years...I thought it was Poppacorn Peach (popcorn that tasted like peaches, yum).

My Pappa don't preach about pop corn that tastes like peaches
Gloria Estefan has some pretty fun songs that make you wanna move your bod. I also thought they were great to do rhythmic gymnastics to. Especially that song Ribbon Is Gonna Get Ya, b/c in my rhythmic gymnastics class we use a ribbon when we move. The lyrics and movements mesh so well together!
Rhythmic Gymnastics staple song - RIBBON IS GONNA GET YOU!

ZZ Top always dressed in those classy suits...yet, they had big beards! I'm not sure how to interpret the lyrics of their song Shark Dressed Man - perhaps it has to do with their beards. Underneath those swell suits they were crazy party animals (like sharks) and ate a lot of fish! That is the only explanation I can think of.

ZZ TOP - Shark dressed man

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